Historic Fort Wayne Allowed Uses

City of Detroit Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance

Although the city’s Master Plan of Policies describes Historic Fort Wayne as a “regional park,” the entire parcel remains zoned R1: Single-family Residential, apparently a holdover from the creation of the city’s first zoning map in 1940. This classification is perhaps the most restrictive, and is intended to encourage the construction of single-family homes on a by-right basis; parks and recreational uses are allowed, but only on a conditional basis. Any other adaptive use of existing historic buildings would also be precluded; a zoning change will be required in order to carry out the recommendations of this Strategic Plan.

The General Services Department has proposed a zoning change to PD: Planned Development District, which would allow a broad range of recreational, business, residential, and some industrial uses, to facilitate the revitalization of Historic Fort Wayne. As of early 2021, the proposal is going before the City Council for review.

A summary of the proposed allowed uses:
Star Fort & Barracks “AREA A”: (15 uses) Uses include school, museum, hotel, neighborhood center, offices, restaurant, retail stores, art gallery, other public uses, school of dance, etc.

Officers Row & NCO “AREA B & D”: (60 uses) Uses include offices, retail stores, restaurants, schools, bed and breakfast inn, low-impact manufacturing, bars/brewpub, food catering, multi-family/loft, church, etc.

Parade Grounds “AREA C & E”: (3 uses) Other public uses, outdoor recreation facility, accessory retail

The full list of allowed uses by area can be found at the below link and below map of zoning areas:

Fort Wayne-1 - 100 SITE PLAN_ZONING AREAS.png