Rehab and Lease
The City of Detroit General Services Department is seeking partner entities to help revitalize and activate Historic Fort Wayne through the rehabilitation and adaptive use of the site’s many vacant buildings. Respondents must have the capacity to rehabilitate and occupy or operate one or more buildings at Historic Fort Wayne The uses of rehabbed buildings must be compatible with and appropriate in a historic park setting.
Please use the links to the right to view the Request for Information (RFI) and related documents. The RFI is now closed. For inquires regarding future opportunities, please contact the General Services Department staff by email at historicfortwayne@detroitmi.gov or by phone at (313) 628-0796.
Historic Fort Wayne Request for Information (PDF)
Appendix A: Historic Fort Wayne Parking Plan (PDF)
Appendix B: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (PDF)
Appendix C: Historic Fort Wayne Master Plan (PDF)
Appendix D: 2015 Community Visioning Workshop Maps (PDF)
Appendix E: Draft Preservation Covenant (PDF)
Appendix F: Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (PDF)
Press Release: City of Detroit Seeks to Revitalize Historic Fort Wayne (PDF)
Featured Buildings
Selected buildings that, due to their condition, location, or other features, are prime candidates for rehabilitation and adaptive use.
Additional Buildings
These buildings are primarily suitable for inclusion as part of a larger, comprehensive project.
Click on each building to download the factsheet.
Building 312: Service Club and Post Gymnasium (Visitors Center)
Year Built: 1903
Current Use: Events*
Square Feet: 17,867
Rehab Cost Estimates: $2,680,050
Additional building information will be added here as it becomes available.
*Proposals for any occupied building are strongly encouraged to include a strategy for the continuation of any existing uses.